Tre relieffer / Three Reliefs
Permanent, public commission for public school, Kragelundskolen, Aarhus, DK; 2021.
Imprints of used trainers cast in acrylic, H 90cm x W 271cm x D 4cm
Photos Jacob Friis-Holm Nielsen
To mark the children's movement through the corridors of the school in the past, in the now and in the future, three reliefs with imprints of their used trainers have been created. Each relief is handmade and therefore contains traces of the hand's work with the materials, in the form of variations in the surface. Within each relief, the shoes lie closely together, and therefore become an image of individuals who together form a community. The reliefs could very well be reminiscent of archeological finds that show us something about who we are and how we are connected.
For at markere børnenes bevægelse gennem gangene på skolen før, nu og i fremtiden er der skabt tre relieffer med aftryk af brugte gummisko. Hvert relief er håndlavet og indeholder derfor spor af håndens arbejde med materialet, i form af variationer i fladen. Indenfor hvert relief ligger skoene tæt sammen, og bliver derfor et billede på individer der tilsammen danner et fællesskab. Reliefferne kunne godt minde om arkæologiske fund som viser os noget om hvem vi er og hvordan vi er forbundet.